Category: Navel Lint


Tillamook_USCG_2007It was late in the nineteenth century. No woman or child was allowed on that godforsaken rock. Or maybe no woman or child was fool enough to go. But give a certain kind of man a chance to be a jackass, and he is bound to try.

The Oregon coast south of the Columbia was a danger to sailing ships at sea. A lighthouse was out of the question because the Tillamook Cliff was so high it was shrouded in fog much of the time. This is, after all, the Pacific coast we’re talking about, where early explorers were so miserable in the weather, they left behind names such as include Dismal Nitch and Desolation Point.

Nonetheless, ships were flailing against the cliff and seamen were perishing. Something must be done. If the cliff was inaccessible for a lighthouse,  what about  basalt rock at its base?

“That would work,” said government engineers who were landlubbers from far, far away.

The locals knew better. In fact, the first surveyor dropped on the rock in 1879, took a look around, slipped, plunged into the waves and was never seen again.

“Told you so,” said the locals. From then on, crews brought in from elsewhere were sequestered from the Oregonians and their tales of doom.

We can only assume it was a surprise to these poor souls when they found themselves strung on a line between a tiny ship and an enormous rock. To make the transfer, one after another climbed into a contraption made from a life ring attached to an old pair of cut off pants. As the ship bobbed, the line whipped high and low, plunging the woebegone workers deep under the swells on the downswings. When the first of them arrived, soaked and terrified, their nightmare was not yet done. They had to fight off the thousand pound sea lion bulls who thought of the rock as their familial pile. Krakens or sea serpents could hardly have been less welcoming.

In time, after appalling deprivation and desperation, the Tillamook lighthouse did get built. Just days before it was lit, the crew heard another ship throw itself against the cliff. They listened to the cries of sixteen seamen until all were lost. Only the ship’s dog survived. It is said you can still hear its mournful howl on nights when the sea is calm.

From that night ’til now, the light has been known as Terrible Tilly.  You can see it as you drive south along the coast although It was decommissioned decades ago. But the story doesn’t end here.

The cremains of some thirty dead souls are out there because for a limited time, the lighthouse became a columbarium for families who thought Uncle Fred might like to spend eternity at sea. But Terrible Tilly rejected that idea, proving humans were as unwanted dead as alive. The place has been damaged by violent wind and wave … and now all those Uncle Freds are spending eternity covered in tons of murre and cormorant  guano. It’s now off limits most of the year as part of the National Wildlife Refuge. So the columbarium idea has pretty much gone to shit.

Give a certain kind of man a chance to be a jackass, and he is bound to try. Terrible Tilly is waiting there for the next one with a bright idea to happen along..

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Business woman in depressionRemember when Halloween was out there all on its own, a long time before the rest of the year end festivities? You made a costume out of three paper plates and called yourself Speedy Alka-Seltzer. Done. Total cost three cents.

One of my first clients was Leewards. It was a chain of craft stores gobbled up by Michael’s. I was a consultant to them when – much to even their surprise – the money/time people spent on Halloween made it the Number Two holiday behind Christmas. That’s right. Hand-beaded goblins and macramé brooms and embroidered witches displaced the bunny kit cakes and paint-by-number praying hands of Easter (this may be close to a devastating political observation, but I’m not stepping in that cow pie).

Now, as we all know, Halloween is a kick-off for Turkey Day. No time elapses between the two. Pumpkins rotting at the door are discarded and immediately replaced with oak leaf wreaths. The last handful of fun-size Zagnuts is dumped from the candy dish to make way for chocolate marshmallow turkeys. The salt and pepper ghosts fly back to the china cabinet while the pilgrims with holes in their heads migrate to the tabletop.

Of course, Thanksgiving bumps smack into Christmas when the Black Friday chutes open. And the New Year Sales begin about the middle of Christmas Eve.

October through January is now one mega festivity. And if retailers can make Groundhog day just a little bigger deal, then Halloween and Easter may one day actually merge. Boy oh boy, I hope I’m around to see it.


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dinner plateWhether widowed or divorced, it takes time to become single again. It was several years after the Mister died before I – not unlike Punxsutawney Phil – stuck my head out to look around at how much dark weather was still ahead. I learned a fair amount about grieving in those years.

We had done everything together for three decades, including home decorating. About the first thing I did when he was gone was get rid of the dishes we had chosen together years before. I bought a very girly, very flowery set that he would have disliked very much. They didn’t remind me of him every time I set the table. They were MY dishes, not OUR dishes. It was a different mindset, and I found that it helped me to deal with aloneness as a positive. MY sheets and MY television shows and MY paint colors began replacing the things we had chosen together.

I started doing things WE wouldn’t have enjoyed as a couple. Binge watching The Walking Dead. Owning a parrot. Eating meatless pizza. Writing books. MY things, not OUR things.

Grieving is a natural function of life, one of the unpleasant ones like nausea or constipation. You feel awful, but you WILL live through it. I discovered that it is also a very selfish business. It’s easy to use a friend who you wouldn’t help through some future depression of his/her own. You could hurt someone in the process … and it will haunt you.

At some point along the grief timeline, I finally admitted I was deeply angry. It felt disloyal. But I was furious that I cared for him so long and lost so much when he did so little to help himself. It was years before I could actually say that to myself, much less to you.

Facing it was my final step in Becoming an Unmarried Woman. And I now like that status a lot.


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embarrassedMy cheeks are as red as a giant bowl of juicy pomodoro sauce. I am totally embarrassed by the amount of bullshit you subscribers have taken from me in the past couple weeks. Apparently, I’ve been sending out book excerpts in random sequences. This is not a marketing trick. Not that I’m above that, but this has been a  WordPress malfunction. Or a Myers meltdown. Take your pick.

Anyway. Apologies. Maybe you’d like to know that HARD TO BEAR is on sale this week for .99 on Kindle here. Maybe not. Maybe you’d rather I just send you a photo of really cute kittens. Or a giant bowl of juicy pomodoro sauce.

Whatever, I sure as hell hope you only receive one notice about this post. Then I can just go back to posting like it was the good old days. You know … one post, one notice. Otherwise, it’s curtains for the Myers blog.

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Bowie Lust mediumI’ve been revising a novella I wrote ages ago. It is far better now that I know what the hell I’m doing. It fits somewhere on the fantasy continuum … you know the one with Dune-realistic sci fi at one end and hookah smoking caterpillars at the other.

I’ve just received the cover for it. What do you think? Hopefully, you will notice right away this is not a tale for grade schoolers. When it comes to the lust part, I didn’t write what I know … I wrote what I knew.

BTW, many of you know I suffered the loss of my subscriber list, a dreadful malady not covered by Obamacare. If you haven’t re-subscribed, please do so now, up there at the top of the right column. If you don’t? In the interest of full disclosure, you should be aware I am something of a voodoo queen. I’m just saying.


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audience silhouette

Hollywood thinks old folks don’t like movies, but when they mistakenly release a film with an actual plotline, geezers go in slow-moving, mobility equipment-enhanced droves. Youngsters are advised to keep away from us. But if you find yourselves surrounded by movie fans past their sell-by dates, here are six things to know:

  • Old people take along earplugs so our heads won’t explode during the previews. We forget to take them out when the featured attraction begins. So when we lean over to whisper to our movie buddies, it is voce forte. Don’t sit near us.
  • If you somehow ignored the first hint, particularly don’t sit behind an old couple. One or the other is hearing or visually impaired. The other will explain every scene, again voce forte.
  •  We were raised eating in theatres and throwing the trash on the floor. I don’t know why; we used to throw trash out car windows, too. Anyway, our favorite foodstuffs involve a great deal of crinkly unwrapping which takes a long time because of the arthritis in our hands. Chances are we don’t hear it. But you will.
  • We go to matinees. Yes, they’re cheaper. But they’re also early enough for us to stay awake. Theatres should pass out cpap machines for evening performances. But they don’t. So snoring is not an usual interruption during those tense creepy scenes.
  • If you need to go to the restroom during the show, it won’t be fast. The line of seniors ahead of you will be long. Many of us can’t even make it through the previews without our first trip. If you are lucky, we will keep following the exhausting routine throughout the show. If you are unlucky, you may be near someone who just pees in the theatre seat.
  • If a movie is good, old people applaud. I don’t get that, either. It’s not like Tom Hanks or Matt Damon knows.  I think it may be giving thanks not for the movie but for the fact that we’ve lived all the way through it to the end.



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The original Charlie Barker

The original Charlie Barker

My friend Beth calls Bear Claus, my holiday novella, ‘Bear Lite’ since it is not quite as dark as my full length novels … even a seasonally depressed grinch like me doesn’t want to rain on your Christmas.

There are a lot of characters in the PI Bear Jacobs series. I suppose this is because it actually started with Fun House Chronicles. Many of the folks who appeared there have just moved along with me.

With each new story, I learn more about them. For instance, I didn’t know until Bear Claus that Lily had once been a dealer in Vegas. The biggest expansion of character in this novella is in Bear’s roommate, Charlie Barker (who was named for my dearly departed dachshund). I already knew Charlie fancies himself a lady’s man. And that he has sores in a very private place. But in Bear Claus, I discovered he is a pretty good handyman, a decent cook, and a woeful failure at holding his booze.

BTW, Bear Claus is $2.99 on Amazon. But if you wait til November 14 or 15, you can get it free. Consider me Mrs. Claus if you must, but never say it to my face.


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Navel Lint

AARP logo

AARP online featured this article: Understand the Early Signs of Dementia: Take the Memory Quiz. Hot damn, doesn’t that sound like fun? Frankly, I take a memory quiz every morning when I try to find my car keys.

Do you shop on line? You know that place that allows you to choose the order in which you want to see items? Who the hell ever chooses PRICE: HIGHEST TO LOWEST?

The local investigative reporters have discovered the reason we greedy town folk are using more water than last year is that we’re watering our lawns. Hell, you just have to drive around town to see we’re not doing a whole lot of that. What those reporters totally missed is that our little dog Caesar has been syphoning water out of the end of the garden hose so he can pee on every bush.

August 10 is National S’More Day. To celebrate, there will be no calories in chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows. Go hog wild. And while you’re at it, purchase s’more calorie-free Linda B Myers books on Amazon. Okay, I know I should be ashamed. Sometimes marketing is a real bitch. Sometimes I am, too.

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