The original Charlie Barker

The original Charlie Barker

My friend Beth calls Bear Claus, my holiday novella, ‘Bear Lite’ since it is not quite as dark as my full length novels … even a seasonally depressed grinch like me doesn’t want to rain on your Christmas.

There are a lot of characters in the PI Bear Jacobs series. I suppose this is because it actually started with Fun House Chronicles. Many of the folks who appeared there have just moved along with me.

With each new story, I learn more about them. For instance, I didn’t know until Bear Claus that Lily had once been a dealer in Vegas. The biggest expansion of character in this novella is in Bear’s roommate, Charlie Barker (who was named for my dearly departed dachshund). I already knew Charlie fancies himself a lady’s man. And that he has sores in a very private place. But in Bear Claus, I discovered he is a pretty good handyman, a decent cook, and a woeful failure at holding his booze.

BTW, Bear Claus is $2.99 on Amazon. But if you wait til November 14 or 15, you can get it free. Consider me Mrs. Claus if you must, but never say it to my face.


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    • Dale on October 30, 2015 at 5:08 pm
    • Reply

    What a wiid imagination you have, Mrs. Claus

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